The basic fee for a one-day chainsaw carving
demonstration is £500. Extra may be charged to cover travel and accommodation
if the demonstration involves a long trip necessitating travel and overnight stays.
This basic charge allows for up to 6hrs of carving time, which would amount to
one large sculpture or several smaller sculptures depending on the size and quantity
of wood available. As a very general guide, one large sculpture can be created
from a log 5-6ft in length by about 18-24 inches in diameter within the one-day
period, depending on degree of detail.
The client is generally responsible
for supplying the timber, which can be bent, knotty timber rejected by a local
sawmill. It is important that the timber be free of nails. If the sculptor does
hit any nails this will slow the whole carving process down and may even bring
it to a stop. The client will be responsible for such stoppages and will be charged
for the time. The sculptor will do a check with a metal detector and advise the
client prior to carving. If the client cannot procure timber then it can be brought
by the sculptor and charged for at the market rate.
As part of the display
a number of previously carved sculptures will be brought along to put out on show
for the public to view. The sculptor reserves the right to offer these for sale
to any interested party, or to take orders for these items.
The sculptor
must be able to park the support vehicle on site, or at least nearby. The amount
of equipment used in a demonstration is more than can be carried easily over any
great distance. The vehicle is about 16ft in length and 8ft high. Usually it is
used as a backdrop to the carving site.
The demonstration must not be
set too close to other displays or demonstrations that are "Noise Sensitive"
e.g. livestock or exhibits involving conversation between other exhibitors and
the public. The constant noise of a chainsaw can be a major irritation in these
circumstances. If closely situated to other noise sensitive exhibitors then special
arrangements would have to be made for the carving demonstration to take place
at set intervals with breaks in between - e.g. carving for half an hour with a
break for half an hour.
If the demonstration is to take place indoors
then it may be necessary to use an electric chainsaw rather than a petrol chainsaw.
For the demonstration site plan and approximate dimensions click the
link below.
There is a similar charge for on-site carvings to that for events charges. Also similar carving time and expected log/sculpture size for a days work. Time required may be affected by degree of complexity of the clients chosen subject, working at height from trestles and unforseen problems such as metal in the timber
Other points relating to access, noise and tool use are similar to that for demonstrations.
is a legal requirement in the UK to produce a risk assessment for any potentialy
hazardous activity. It is particularly important in the case of activities involving
the public or sited in a public place.
Below is a link to
my own generic risk assessment relating to chainsaw carving demonstrations. It
contains links to copies of the information leaflets produced by AFAG detailing
advice on the "Industry Best Practice" relating to chainsaw use and
the HSE leaflet "Chainsaws
at Work".